



Sunset in Bear Country!

Sunset In Bear Country!


With the weather cooling down, Mother Nature is preparing her canvas for an array of beautiful fall colors. Tonight, a car load of devout Packers fans made their way into Bear country to rock a sweet family session!


Renee, Blake, and the kids managed to pull out all the stops during this fun shoot! Even though those pesky mosquitos tried to stop all the awesomeness from happening, they couldn't contain us! (I think I'm still counting the bites though.)

Fall is a time of change and nothing seems to remind us better than watching our families grow right before our eyes. When we booked this shoot, Renee mentioned how quickly the time has passed and how she couldn't believe Livy and Devon were growing as quickly as they were.  Folks, time is relentless. Keep your families close and alway remember to take the time to watch them grow. It will pass you by before you know it.  Fall is a beautiful reminder that change is upon us and like life, those moments we make into memories are fleeting unless we make them important.  Renee and Blake-keep being awesome! And uh...  GO BEARS!!!